Antonia Kerrigan Literary Agency

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Search results for "mercería café cultural"
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Realized for Alianza Editoral, April 2013. The Sorbonne Club  is a essentially humoristic novel. In times of crisis are you looking for an escape through humor? We have to be careful with humor that, in some way, it’s always included in whatever we do, whether we are in times of crisis or calm, it’s the medicine that synthesizes our bodies with the will to keep fighting, to live and to add life to life. However there is no... - Read more

Catalan writer Mercedes Abad returns after five years of silence with La niña gorda (The Fat Girl, Páginas de Espuma). A group of interwoven short stories, the girl in the title (a character inspired by the author when she was a child, or an imaginary double of hers in her adult age) is the guiding figure through all the stories, in which humor and irony mix with sadness to speak about childhood and adolescence, about women. La... - Read more

The writer, translator and journalist Monika Zgustova has won the Amat Piniella Prize for her latest novel La nit de Vàlia ( Valia's Night ), published last year by Proa in its original Catalan version and by Destino in Spanish translation. Valia's Night fictionalizes the true story of artist Valentina Grigorievna, wrongly acused of spying and sent to the gulag, who tries to recover her life and find her true love after many years of... - Read more

The (Mexican) author Sabina Berman has recently been acknowledged in Europe, on this occasion in France, with the award (Prix del Lecteurs de la ville de Vicennes) for her novel “ The Woman who Dove into the Heart of the World ” (Moi, Éditions du Seuil, 2011). This award was created in 2006 by the Library Network (Association) of the city of Vicennes with the goal to present an acknowledgement to an author invited to the... - Read more

When not a month has passed since the publication of  That Was Life , by Carmen Amoraga (winner of the last Nadal Prize), Destino will launch a second edition of a book that has been widely praised since the beginning. Last week, Spanish newspaper  La Vanguardia  included  That Was Life  in the eight position of its best seller list, based on data from bookstores all over Catalonia. The book has also appeared in the... - Read more

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